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Injury talk with

Matt Priest

Published: 15/04/17

Riding photos by Nathan Beddows

When was your last major injury and what was the story behind it? 


My ankle for sure has been the worst. I thought I’d only rolled it at the time but two years later it’s still fucked haha! 



How long were you out for?


Off the bike for nine months.



Worst ever injury? 


Ankle for sure.



What do you do to fill time when you can’t ride?


Build the trails and hangout with my friends there, take photos and film, play guitar and build weird shit for the house haha! 



What have you learnt from injuries? 


Probably just to appreciate every day and enjoy myself and make the most of life.



Has anything positive come out of them? 


For sure I think that it makes you stronger, even though my ankle is now probably weaker haha I feel way more head strong.

‘The doctor said I wouldn’t be able to ride again after I did my ankle. I just try to ignore the negative things docs and people say and take everything day-by-day and not rush it, and be positive.’

What motivates you to get healthy again and back on your bike?


Just that feeling of being out on your bike and riding with your mates.



Have any hard slams or injuries made you think differently about riding, or changed how you ride?


No not really.



Have you ever been told you wouldn’t ride again, what was your response? 


Yeah the doctor said I wouldn’t be able to ride again after I did my ankle. I just try to ignore the negative things docs and people say and take everything day-by-day and not rush it, and be positive. 



After your last big injury, how long did it take to get everything back on the bike, and how did you get over any self doubt or loss of confidence?


I did my ankle two years ago and it’s still too painful to footplant so that for sure effects my confidents and certain tricks I do, but I just try to do other stuff and learn new things which i can do with a dodgy foot. It’s boring doing the same old tricks all the time anyway haha!  



Is the ankle totally good now? 


Well the bone has healed (talus) but the cartilage I destroyed hasn't so that still gives me lots of shit!



Anything else you’d like to add?


Ride and have fun, don’t rush injuries and stay positive if you do get hurt!

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